Wednesday 20 January 2016

Book Review: Encyclopaedia Prehistorica

So this week, I'm doing something different. 'But Wait' I hear you cry 'This is your 7th post!' Well, I'm going to do a book review for a great book, called Encyclopaedia Prehistorica!

When you open the book, the first thing you notice is: Pop-ups. Normally, pop-ups remind me of those little kiddy books you read when you're 4. But in the Encyclopaedia Prehistorica, that isn't the case. With over 50 pop-ups (all about dinosaurs!) and vibrant illustrations, it's unlikely you'll forget about it any time soon. But it's very informative, too!

Let me copy a passage from it: 

The front cover and a page on
long-necked giants
"Long Necked Giants
The undisputed heavyweight champions on land, sauropods (SAWR-uh-podz) needed hundreds of pounds of food each day to maintain their immense bulk. For sauropods, a forest of pine trees was an all-you-can-eat buffet, and their long, graceful necks made it easy to munch without taking a step!"

See? Imformative. Anyway, I need to round this off now, but I rate this book 9.5/10, (0.5 off for slight inconvenience closing, with sticking out pop-ups) How about you? Have you read it yet? Tell me in the comments below!

Bye for now!


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