Thursday 11 February 2016

3 Questions that I've been asked: WEEK ONE

Why is the scientific name for the Red Kite Milvus Milvus?
Because the person who named the Genus (Milvus) also named the bird.

Why do snails and slugs leave a trail?
Because if they didn't, they might injure themselves. The trail (Or slime) creates a track for the snail to slide on.

What causes the Dawn Chorus?
Well, It's just natural. Some say it is that in warmer countries this is most likely in spring when the male birds are either defending a breeding territory or trying to attract a mate.

Did you know? Birds perching higher in the trees and birds with larger eyes tend to pipe up first.

Enjoy that? Well, if you did, cool. And the comments are always open for questions.



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